Thursday, August 2, 2012

Send in fanfics

If you want see a fan fic reviewd e-mail it to me. My e-mail is  I have a few guidelines.

1. It must be complete or abandoned for me to review it.

2. I won't review your fanfic. I don't want to hurt your feelings.

3. Don't bug me to read it.  I don't spend my entire life online. I will read it when I read it.

Spongelight: Another terrible Twilight Crossover.

Before I post today's story info I must note I know it's another horrible Twilight Crossover. I promise I will post a good crossover one of these days.

Today's story is Spongelight by AuraTheGreat. It can be found here:


It's a  strange story about Edward Bella being  Spongebob and Squidward.

My Review:

This confused me.  Why is Patrick undead? What drugs is this author?  What is really going on in this fic? This fic gets an F for being confusing and nonsensical.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Requiem For a Superhero: A Tribute to a great actor.

Today's fan fic is Requiem For a Superhero by TwoCentsForFree. It can be found here:


Bikini Bottom mourns a beloved superhero.

My Review:

I never thought I'd see the day where I would see a decent Spongebob fic. This is a wonderfully well written story that takes place after the death of Mermaid Man.  For those of you that don't know the actor that did the voice of Mermaid Man recently passed away. His name Ernest Borgnine.

I think the most touching part of the story was when  Barnacle Boy told Spongebob he can come by the Mermalair any time. That part almost had me in tears. The best  story writers can evoke those  type of  emotions in readers. This is the best fanfic I've read so far. This gets an A for beings well  written and being a great tribute to a great actor.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Twilight and Winnie the Pooh Similarities

I don't have a fic right now. I have a list. Though why it's on I'm not sure. It's Twilight and Winnie the Pooh Similarities by FancyMe. It can be found here


It's a list based on Winnie the Pooh and Twilight.

Okay why is this on Doesn't anyone read the Guidelines?  Yes has submission guidelines. Those can be found here.  There are some spelling mistakes that irk me.  Like character names and either. Roo and Eeyore are not that hard to spell. This gets a D for  being posted on the wrong site  and spelling errors.

Friday, July 20, 2012

My thoughts on today's shooting.

Today I am not going to do a review. Instead I would like to extend my thoughts ,prayers, and condolences to the victims and their families of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.

I also want to address another issue. I know people are  scared. That is unavoidable.But I encourage everyone to try to get back to normal as soon as possible. Do not let this terrorist win. That is what he is. He is trying to cause terror. Go see  new Batman movie. Even if you don't like Batman. I know I plan to go see it as soon as I have enough money.

Again  my condolences, thoughts, and prayers to those who are affected by this horrible incident.

Monday, July 16, 2012

100 views: Cookie time

I have a reached 100 views. Give yourselves a big cookie. Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my reviews.

Look After You:

Today's fic is Look After You by ForeignMusicLyrics. It can be found here:


Zuko checks on his sister Azula in the hospital. What he finds shocks and infuriates him.


In my first post I tackled Legend of Korra. Today I read a fic from it's predecessor. Zuko was my favorite character from the show. So Zuko visits his sister in  the hospital and sees her in a horrible condition. I love how the author wrote Zuko. They showed his loyalty to his family and how caring he is. Which how he was in the second and the third seasons.  This gets an A for keeping Zuko in character and writing a great story.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Imagination: A good fic for a change

Today's fic is Imagination by Woodswolf. It can be found here:


It's a story about a girl with a very active imagination. She goes on daily adventures. Something tragic happens on The story one of them.

My Review:

I know I know. A Dora fic.This story is wonderfully well written though.  It hits on some things that do happen in the show which is very nice. The emotion is also powerful. This story literally had me crying at the end. I'm not going to spoil anything though. You'll just to read it to see. This one gets an A for pure genius.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Update: Posting changes

I will be reviewing some good fanfiction as well as the bad. I will also varying my ratings so there will be less Fs. I will review my first good one tomorrow.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spongebobphobia: Crossover madness

Today's first horror is Spongebobphobia by LaLaDeeDeeDaDa. It can be found here:


Edward Cullen is afraid of Spongebob.

My review:

The capitalization  is just all over the place. Why does this one shot need four points of view? The overall plot was boring. We just have Edward screaming like a little girl over a cartoon. At least it was short. It gets an F. It's boring and uninteresting.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Class: Murdering canon

Today's horror is New Class by Jeallybean1990. It can be found here:


Draco and Hermione are put into some arranged marriage deal and are to have a child together.

My review:

 What is this? Is it a troll? Okay let's get started it. Be consistent with your capitalization. It just look very sloppy when you capitalize some names and not others. Also be sure to spell the characters' names right. It's Cormac McClaggen. Not Cormac Mc.

There is no 8th freaking  year at Hogwarts. Never has been and never will be. Pick up a Harry Potter book and actually read it.  That just makes you look like you haven't read a book or done any research. 

As far as the plot of the story I don't get it. Draco and Hermione hated each other throughout the books. He threw racist insults at her all the time.  In the books the students dated who the wanted. Not do this whole arranged marriage thing author. Did that many witches and wizards die that they had to resort to forcing people into rushed marriages.

And author witches and wizards don't use magic to have babies. They have sex like Muggles.. I also don't believe that it  just takes  a little bit of blood from both parents and 5 seconds later there's a baby. It takes a normal human female 9 months to have a baby.  I'm just going to say what most readers might be thinking. Are you that stupid author?

This gets an F for raping canon and being illogical. I know need to go find a way to save eyes before they start to bleed from this abomination.

Monday, July 9, 2012

long lost hope: The author's shift key broke.

Today's story is long lost hope by maleficent badillio. It can be found here:


Amy has never really fit it. She finds out her father is Hagrid. That's all I can make out from this story.

My review
I'm just going to cut to chase. The author avoided the shift key like Rabies. She only capitalized grounds keeper. Which didn't need to be  capitalized.  She also puts author's notes throughout the story that really don't need to be there.  She also has  things in the story that don't really make sense. Like how a 16 year old gets 6,000,000 dollars from working at a coffee shop for three years. Does she also strip at this coffee shop? I'm pretty sure that's illegal. New's flash authors Hogwarts students start at 11 in their first year. Not 16. And don't give us costume porn. If the outfit is not important to the story then we don't need to read about it. I'd go more into this story but the author was just all over the place and the story made my head hurt.  This story gets an F for being nonsensical, having horrible grammar and spelling. Not to mention a Mary Sue. This author also made me borderline violent and wanting to claw at her eyes.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Da chrioncles of Hugwarts: Or I didn't pass English.

Today's abomination is  Da chrioncles of Hugwarts byxXxkeepaofKEYYZxXx. It can be found here:


Hagrid and his "Mary Sue" girlfriend are at Hogwarts. Another boy tries to steal her from Hagrid.

My Review:
The spelling and grammar are atrocious and they don't  get better. They take away from the story. But I digress. On to the actual story.

We are introduced to our original character Saphirella Lovley Dovell Geniune Magickal Neon Marie .The extremely long name  is the first clue that she is a Mary Sue.  She also has a power that she doesn't know about but Hagrid does. Yet another clue that she is a Mary Sue.  My question is when does this take place? Hagrid doesn't move into his hut until he is kicked out in his third year. And the explanation of Saphirella staying in the hut really doesn't make sense. If she is 11 then she doen't need to be in the hut alone with a member of the opposite sex. I don't think Hogwarts Admins will be okay with that. So Saph gets into a fight with some 'slooty" girl and turns into this werewolf thingy.  The other girl runs away or something. I can't really tell. The Saph goes to school. 

In the second chapter we see Saph's sister Floor. I think it's supposed to be Fleur Delacour . Which brings up some more questions. Like why is Hagrid banging a 11 year old girl? Cause Hagrid should be in his 40s or 50s at this point. Does Dumbledore support pedophilia? What's Fleur doing at Hogwarts? Didn't she go to school at Beauxbatons in France? Why is she dating George? Didn't she marry Bill?

We also meet Saph's friend Jenny who is dating Ron. Wait...Ron is dating his sister Ginny? That Ginny? Ewww. Incest.  Wow this author is  really confused with her timeline and pairings isn't she? 

So Saph gets sorted and put into Gryffindor. She gets told she is brave and pretty and as smarts a "snark".  We also get to meet Albert Doombladora.  This author can't spell names worth a shit. Dumbledore calls the Sorting Hat a stanist for making Saph cry. 

Chapter two is more confusing then the first. Chapter three is a sex scene between Saph and Hagrid. I'm not going to go into detail on that one. The story  kinda ends there. The author hasn't decided to update to since. All in all this story gets an F.  The spelling was horrible, the story was all over the place, and Hagrid turns into a pedophile. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Spongy Love

Today's atrocity is Spongy Love by Kataang nr.1 fan. It can be found here:


Spongebob loves Sandy. At least I think that's what this story is about.


The grammar and spelling are all over the place. Quotation marks are your friend. Which I don't see any in this story. Capitalization is plus as well. It is very sporadic in this story.

This story is all over the place story wise as well. We go from Spongebob's house to the Krusty Krab to Mrs. Puff's Boating School. We finally end up at Sandy's at the end of the story. Instead of focusing on Sandy and Spongebob  relationship the just jump all over the place with no real good transitions.

This story gets in F for horrible spelling and grammar.  It was also very sporadic and made no real sense.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

His Little Pussycat: Words escape me.

This next fic I'm looking at is His Little Pussycat by Reinecerise. It can be found here:


Filch and his cat have an intimate moment.


Ewwww. Filch masturbates and his cat finishes him off by licking him. I have one question. What else would Mrs. Norris be wearing other then her fur? She doesn't exactly wear clothes.  I know Filch is a weirdo but bestiality seems out there. Even for him.  This get an F for just being gross and weird.

Filch's Confession: Killing the English Langauge

Today's fic is Filch's Confession by Alex Campbell. It can be found here:


It's about Filch confessing his feelings for Umbridge.

My review: This gem caught my eye just from the spelling  and grammar mistakes in the summary. He forgets capitalization of names and beginning  of sentences. He misspells simple words and names. The only good thing I can say about this fic is that it's short. It gets an F.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Plagiarizer Alert: GirlyGirl2009

Tonight I have a plagiarizer to warn you guys about. It's GirlyGirl2009. Here's the story she posted,

This is the original story by thestolckholmaffair,

My thoughts on this:

GirlyGirl2009: You need to come up with your own crap. Changing a few small things doesn't make the piece yours bitch. Are you that brain dead? Then to claim that you don't plagiarize  makes you look like a douche bag. You get a big fat F from me.

Experimentation: Why?

Today's victim is called experimentation by sweetsmeet and it can be found here


It's a Gir and Zim slash fic. Need I say more.

My review:

I'd like to point out the numerous capitalization errors. Names and the beginning of sentences here  are sporadically capitalized. That annoys me. Capitalize your shit authors. The spelling is off in points too. Why is Gir saying noe? He speak English pretty well. It's no not noe.

Why is there an author's note in the middle of the story?It would be better for the beginning. If the readers of this story don't know that Zim is an alien  then why are they reading this fanfic?  I mean really I read fanfictions on genres I am somewhat familiar with. 

My last issue with this fic. Gir seems OOC in this fic.Why is Gir getting a boner? Was he turned into a sex robot at some point? Zim is so mean to Gir. Why is Gir wanting to have rough aggressive sex with him? 

My grade is an F. All in all this fic gives me a mild headache and I want to take a shower after reading it. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Swelling is Not Too Hard to Master: Ewwwww

Today's fic is a disturbing one call A Swelling is Not Too Hard to Master by Kill The Mother Cock Roach. It can be found here.

Summary: It's a slash fic between Harry and Dobby. Any other questions?

My Review:

Ew ew ew ew. I'm sure even in the Wizarding world this pairing would be considered disgusting. I'm really Dobby and Harry is just wrong. And let's not forget that Harry freed Dobby in the second book. I'd also like to point out that Mistah is spelled diffrently twice. That and Dobby never called Harry Potter Master to my knowledge. It was usually Harry Potter Sir or Mr. Potter. Why is Dobby talking like a black slave? That's what he sounds like in this fic.

My grade is a big fat F.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Does this help? No it doesn't

Today's victim is Does this help? by Hydrochloric Cutie. Which can be found here

Overview:Harry needs a little help making a decision for the final chaser for Gryffindor's Quidditch team.

My review: It's a Demelza Robbins and Harry Potter pair. So you just know it's a gem. This apparently takes place during book 6 when Harry is captain of the team. They just had tryouts. In order to convince Harry that she needs to be on the team Demelza seduces him. Yeah that's totally realistic. In order for a woman to get what she wants she just needs to sleep with whoever is in charge. This pisses me off. Sex is not supposed to work that way ladies. It just makes you look like a slut.  This one gets an F for being unrealistic and a waste of space.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

When in doubt: A cartoon/Talk show crossover.

First victim in my journey of bad fanfiction. When in doubt, bring him to Maury! By Purple-Rain-20. Which can be found here

Korra, Bolin, and Mako  are in a love triangle. Korra had a son and surprise surprise, she doesn't know who the daddy is. So what does she do? She goes on the Maury show of course with both the men she slept with.

My Review:

Where to start? I know how back the fact that LoK is set in another universe then us. And that the author makes Korra look a bit like a whore.  Having her sleep with both brothers around the same time doesn't seem right to me.  Yes Korra has shown intrest in both brothers but Mako is with Asami  which I have to point out the author tries to pair with Bolin.  It's an okay story it just doesn't work with Korra's crew.

My grade a C+

The horror begins

Lest start this off right. I'm Raszune. I love fanfiction. Except when its done badly. Then my eyes start to bleed. I will be starting a horrible journey in the world of horrible fanfiction. If you have any fanfiction that you would love to see slammed here e-mail it to me at